Thursday, October 29, 2009

Things changed.......and then it rained
I wonder what God will do.........

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love speaks loudly and is heard.......
......and a selfish heart the same.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

.....somehow I think I shall just know...and somehow......this I know
my confession will always be He is a shield about me

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How much can one soul bear? My heart faints underneath the strain....
The world is bright as I tremble inside using all my strength to smile...
I look down to the ground and glance up in mirth.....the curtains closed just in time.. time to hide the hurt...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I just bought my ticket today for England. I shall be leaving in a month and gone for five months. I am excited and a little nervous. I have much to do before I go and feel a little daunted by everything. I am so cared for. God has taken such great care of me. He has arranged everything. I am not leaving alone. I am going with Him. It is so nice to know that I am not going my own way but following Him. On a larger scale I havn't a clue what God will do but I am excited.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

At Mill St. Coffee. Sitting on the couch. Larry sitting across from me reading a magazine. Remembering when I met Larry. Thinking about all the people I have met inside these walls. The people that have impacted my life....the people whose smiles have become so dear.